

The structure must be recursive because left child and right child are binary trees too. A node has access to children nodes, but not to its parent.
New implementation

Be concise.

Be useful.

All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.

Please do not paste any copyright violating material.

Please try to avoid dependencies to third-party libraries and frameworks.

Other implementations
type Tree_Node;
type Tree_Node_Access is access Tree_Node;
type Tree_Node is record
   Value: Integer;
   Left, Right: Tree_Node_Access;
end record;
struct treenode{
  int value;
  struct treenode* left;
  struct treenode* right;
type treenode =
    Node of {
        value: int;
        left: treenode;
        right: treenode
    | Leaf
struct binary_tree
 int data;
 binary_tree *left = nullptr, *right = nullptr;
class BinaryTree<T>:IComparable<T>
 T value;
 BinaryTree<T> leftChild;
 BinaryTree<T> rightChild;
struct BinaryTree(T)
	T data;
	BinaryTree* left;
	BinaryTree* right;
class Node<T> {
  final T value;
  Node<T> left, right;
  Node(this.value, {this.left, this.right});
defmodule BinaryTree do
	defstruct data: nil, left: nil, right: nil
-type binary_tree(T) ::
	#{ data := T
	 , left := binary_tree(T)
	 , right := binary_tree(T)
type binary_tree
    integer :: value
    type(binary_tree), allocatable :: left
    type(binary_tree), allocatable :: right
end type binary_tree
type BinTree[L any] struct {
	Label       L
	Left, Right *BinTree[L]
type BinTree struct {
	Label       valueType
	Left, Right *BinTree
class BinTree<T extends Comparable<T>>{
   T value
   BinTree<T> left
   BinTree<T> right
data BT x = BEnd | BNode (BT x) x (BT x)
class Node {
  constructor (data) {
    this.data = data
    this.left = null
    this.right = null
class BinTree<T extends Comparable<T>>{
   T value;
   BinTree<T> left;
   BinTree<T> right;
interface Tree<T>{
    boolean search(T x);
class Nil<T extends Comparable<? super T>> implements Tree<T>{
    public boolean search(T x) { return false; }
class Node<T extends Comparable<? super T>> implements Tree<T> {
 T item;  Tree<T> left; Tree<T> right;
 public Node(T i, Tree<T> l, Tree<T> r) {
     item=i;  left=l;  right=r; }
 public boolean search(T x) {
     int cmp = x.compareTo(item);
     return cmp==0 || (cmp<0 && left.search(x)) || (cmp>0 && right.search(x));
data class Node(
    val key: Int,
    val left: Node? = null,
    val right: Node? = null
(defclass node ()
      :initarg :value :initform nil 
      :accessor node-value)
      :initarg :left-child :initform nil 
      :accessor node-left-child)
      :initarg :right-child :initform nil 
      :accessor node-right-child)))
local function BinTree(v, l, r)
	return {
		val = v,
		left = l,
		right = r
@interface Node:NSObject
@property id value; // id means any object value
@property Node *left,*right;

// usage like
Node *n=[Node new];

// somewhere needed also
@implementation Node @end
class BNode
    public $data;
    public $lNode;
    public $rNode;

    public function __construct($item)
        $this->data = $item;
        $this->lNode = null;
        $this->rNode = null;
  generic BinTree<T> = class
    Value: T;
    Left, Right: BinTree;
use Moops;
class Tree::Binary {
    has 'left', is => 'ro', isa => Maybe[InstanceOf['Tree::Binary']];
    has 'right', is => 'ro', isa => Maybe[InstanceOf['Tree::Binary']];
    has 'val', is => 'ro', isa => Int;
my $t = Tree::Binary->new(
    val => 42,
    left => Tree::Binary->new(val => 23),
    right => Tree::Binary->new(
        val => 1729,
        right => Tree::Binary->new(val => -1)
    ↙    ↘
  23     1729
 ↙  ↘   ↙    ↘
∅    ∅ ∅     -1
class Node:
	def __init__(self, data):
		self.data = data
		self.left = None
		self.right = None
class Node:
  def __init__(self, data, left_child, right_child):
    self.data = data
    self._left_child = left_child
    self._right_child = right_child
Node = Struct.new(:left, :right, :value)
parent = Node.new(Node.new, Node.new)
struct BinTree<T> {
    value: T,
    left: Option<Box<BinTree<T>>>,
    right: Option<Box<BinTree<T>>>,
case class BinaryTree[T <: Ordered[T]](
	value: T,
	left: Option[BinaryTree[T]],
	right: Option[BinaryTree[T]]
sealed trait Tree[T <: Ordered[T]]:
  def search(x: T): Boolean
final case class Nil[T <: Ordered[T]]() extends Tree[T]:
  override def search(x: T): Boolean = false
final case class Node[T <: Ordered[T]](
    item: T,
    left: Tree[T],
    right: Tree[T]
) extends Tree[T]:
  override def search(other: T): Boolean =
    item compare other match
      case 0          => true
      case n if n < 0 => left.search(other)
      case n if n > 0 => right.search(other)
(define (make-btree value left right)
  (cons value (cons left right)))

(define (btree-value bt) (car bt))
(define (btree-left bt) (cadr bt))
(define (btree-right bt) (cddr bt))
Object subclass: #TreeNode 
    instanceVariableNames: 'left right'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Trees'.