

Preallocate memory in the list x for a minimum total capacity of 200 elements.

This is not possible in all languages. It is only meant as a performance optimization, should not change the length of x, and should not have any effect on correctness.
New implementation

Be concise.

Be useful.

All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.

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Other implementations
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
   X : Vector;
   Reserve_Capacity (X, Capacity => 200);
if cap(x) < 200 {
	y := make([]T, len(x), 200)
	copy(y, x)
	x = y
import "slices"
x = slices.Grow(x, 200)
Uses Classes;
x.capacity := 200;
SetLength(a, 200);
my @list = (undef) x 200;
x := Array new: 200.
"#(nil nil nil nil nil ...)"