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Idiom #216 Pad a string on both sides

Add the extra character c at the beginning and ending of string s to make sure its length is at least m.
After the padding the original content of s should be at the center of the result.
The length is the number of characters, not the number of bytes.

E.g. with s="abcd", m=10 and c="X" the result should be "XXXabcdXXX".

uses LazUtf8;
s := UTF8PadCenter(s,m,c);
  i = (m-len(s))/2
  j = (m - len(s)) - (m-len(s))/2
  s = repeat(c,i) // s // repeat(c,j)
import "encoding/utf8"
import "strings"
n := utf8.RuneCountInString(s)
if n < m {
	nleft := (m - n) / 2
	nright := (m - n) - nleft
	left, right := strings.Repeat(string(c), nleft), strings.Repeat(string(c), nright)
	s = left + s + right
if(s.length() < m) {
    String x = String.valueOf(c).repeat(m - s.length());
    s = x.substring(0, x.length() / 2) + s + x.substring(x.length() / 2);
use feature 'signatures';
my $total_padding = $m-length($s);
if( $total_padding ) {
   my $l = int($total_padding/2);
   my $r = $total_padding-$l;
   $s = join "", ($c x $l), $s, ($c x $r);
sub center {
    my ($s, $m, $c) = @_;
    my $slen = length $s;
    return $s if $slen > $m;
    $c //= ' ';
    my $r = $c x $m;
    my $p = int($m/2 - $slen/2);
    substr($r, $p, $slen, $s);
    return $r;    

print center("abcd",10,"X");
s = s.center(m, c)
s = s.center(m, c)
let n = (m + s.len())/2;
s = format!("{s:X>n$}");
s = format!("{out:X<m$}");
use pad::{Alignment, PadStr};
s = s.pad(m, c, Alignment::Middle, true);

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